Thursday 6 June 2013

Stupidity : Defined Scientifically

The Fundamental Laws of Human Stupidity, explores the controversial subject of stupidity. Stupid people are seen as a group, more powerful by far than major organizations such as the Mafia and the industrial complex, which without regulations, leaders or manifesto nonetheless manages to operate to great effect and with incredible coordination.

These are Cipolla's five fundamental laws of stupidity:
  1. Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation. 
  2. The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person. 
  3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses. 
  4. Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake. 
  5. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person. 

As is evident from the third law, Cipolla identifies two factors to consider when exploring human behaviour:
Benefits and losses that an individual causes to him or herself.
Benefits and losses that an individual causes to others.

By creating a graph with the first factor on the x-axis and the second on the y-axis, we obtain four groups of people, with an additional category either existing in its own right or drawn from the members of each previous category whose position with respect to both axes is least extreme:
  • Intelligent people (top right), who contribute to society and who leverage their contributions into reciprocal benefits 
  • Naive people (top left), who contribute to society but are taken advantage of by it (and especially by the "bandit" [q.v.] sector of it); note, however, that extreme altruists and pacifists may willingly and consciously (rather than "naive[ly]") accept a place in this category for moral or ethical reasons 
  • Bandits (bottom right), who pursue their own self-interest even when doing so poses a net detriment to societal welfare 
  • Stupid people (bottom left), whose efforts are counterproductive to both their and others' interests 
  • Helpless/ineffectual people (center) 

Cipolla further refines his definition of "bandits" and "naive people" by noting that members of these groups can either add to or detract from the general welfare, depending on the relative gains (or losses) that they cause themselves and society. A bandit may enrich himself more or less than he impoverishes society, and a naive person may enrich society more or less than he impoverishes himself and/or allows himself to be impoverished. Graphically, this idea is represented by a line of slope -1, which bisects the second and fourth quadrants and intersects the y-axis at the origin. The naive people to the left of this line are thus "semi-stupid" because their conduct creates/allows a net drain of societal welfare; some bandits may fit this description as well, although many bandits such as sociopaths, psychopaths, and non-pathological "jerks" and amoralists may act with full knowledge of the net negative consequences to a society that they neither identify with nor care about.

Ref : Wikipedia

Saturday 4 May 2013

What these words actually mean on Social Media Bios ?

After reading many of the bios on Twitter , Facebook , linkedin etc .. one gets a feeling that people want to use euphemistic words to explain themselves to the world .. may be ..its their way of fantasizing ..building their own self esteem or to project in certain way they wish they were !

Many of these words / phrases have been taken from actual bios .. If you see such bios ..please dont poke them ..Even if one tries to poke them .. they are sure to give you an explanation to satisfy their “own self” . Please let them enjoy their own world of social media fantasy with their grandiose ego.

Foodie = Fat

Simple = Poor

Straightforward = blabber , can tweet post without thinking

Voracious Reader = has bought Chetan Bhagat Novels in a street side sale .. and has also read some reviews from other “voracious readers”

Entrepreneur = Fired from job .. hanging around on social media

Budding Entrepreneur = Jobless , never had a job

Consultant = out of work .. preparing resume , applying for jobs .. active on and linkedin ..hanging around on social media passing time ..checking emails frequently from prospective employers .. also writes shitty (semi-pirated) technical reviews !

Multi-faceted = has been trying to do everything .. “doesnt know”

Jack of all trades = failed on many tracks ..still going on

Techie / Expert = has opened old radio set that had to be junked

Android Expert = owns android phone ( Dad has gifted one)

Kattar ( कट्टर typical marathi bios) = Non-thinker / can engage in any non-intellectual talks related to race , religion , professions , people , regions etc … aka foolish or idiot (never say so to them !)

Blogger = attention seeker / has a blogspot ( because it is free)

Love Sports / Sports crazy = watches cricket matches on TV

Manchester United Fan = watches european soccer games on ESPN at late night from Indian sub-continent (generally wears red t shirt)

Sachin is God / SRK is God / Rajanikant is God = fit to be unfollowed and blocked if one follows you

Priyanka Chopra Fan / Madhuri Dixit Fan = Generally a bot , a sure shot newbie on Twitter

Human / Being Human / mobile freak = road romeo with a android device ..ready to stalk females / female DPs

PuLa fan = has heard pirated versions of Pula Deshpande’s katha-kathan mostly limited to Mhais , Haritatya , Narayan ,Raosaheb , Mi aNi maza shatrupaksh , Sakharam GataNe

VaPu Fan = :Lives in Mumbai suburbs ..travels by local trains

Jai Maharashtra = weak in english ,vernacular education, can make typos .. do not criticize or the religion / regional card would be evoked !

Puneri = Not a true Punekar .. but has achieved the status of permanently moving to Pune ( Generally non-marathi people) .. a born Punekar never calls oneself Puneri

IT pro = Will be active all day-night on social media

Social Worker = student ..failed couple of times .. thinking of alternative career

“Loves kids ” / “Pet Lover  = on social media to find a spouse .. without registering at or

Intellectual / Thinker = could not get laid for long. Willing to pay for Tea-coffee for a date with “any” girl like creature

“Cricket Hater” = Wants to follow girls and tweetchat / DM

Amateur Photographer = has bought a SLR camera in sale .. smart phone has a camera / has an instagram account

Photographer = means nothing on social media .. may be... owns a zoom lens !

Bookworm = Has no hobbies , Hates working out ( That would mean Fat)

Music Junkie = Downloads mp3s from .pk site ..listens to anything free on web

Movie buff = watches anything and everything on movie channel .. all free stuff welcome !

“RTs are not endorsements” = A Fucktard who wants to mess up with abusive language but is afraid of consequences ! ( generally a IIT / IIM guy perpetually hanging around on Twitter .. some asshole editor / journalist )

Exceptional / “I am the best” = wierdo , lost and failed at many levels

O+ / B+ = Severely depressed / lonely soul

Avid Trekker = owns trekking sack ..which was used once ( many many years back )

“Follow to know more about me” = needs followers .. there is nothing to know about this person .. they themselves are lost !

Poet / Artist = Depressed , Obnoxious

Internet addict / Social Media buff = craving for attention all day and night , will do anything for you to follow and increase their social media quotient !

" Diverse Interests " = Tweets a lot of bullshit and floods your TL with stupid views on every subject ! Generally free all the time ! Attention seeker

" On Twitter for friendship " = looking for a gal to chat with and something more .. has never had a gf or a friend ! Constantly tweets about ex-gf ( which never was)

..will continue adding new words as I find them on various Bios …

Friday 19 April 2013

Periodic Pondering moving to Tumblr !

I have just fallen for Tumblr ... I liked it .. for long I was looking for something like it ... bigger that 140 character micro blogging of Twitter and yet not a huge blog post that sometimes becomes boring to write and more boring to read .. something like a mini-blog !  Helps to put down thoughts that come to mind now and then but are not worth huge posts .. ideal for a person like me ! Keeping those daily notes and observations that touch me now and then !

So from now on its  Periodic Pondering on Tumblr   :

See you there !

Wednesday 3 April 2013

The First Trimester of 2013

I realize  that the last post is almost 3 months old when I welcomed 2013 !  3 months have been gulped ! This new year is already starting to look old ! Lot of thoughts are in line and last three months have been hectic ..full of unique experiences and baffling realization of realities.
In the travel across continents and countries / civilizations / cultures  one tends to lose ones focus , being enchanted by newer things .. sometimes just realizing what one truly likes .. freely exploring one self by exposing to varied cultures and thus sometimes finding ones true self by shear chance.
This phenomenon occurred to me over last 18 months or so ! Missing ones roots to finding ones real self ..ones true liking... and then missing something that one has simply given away for free ! sounds philosophical but this is quite mundane and earthly experience. Realizing what one truly desires is one heck of happiness in itself. Enough of this philosophical rhetoric ... getting to the point ..
I have not written anything in last three months though I had planned on writing a post every day in the new year resolution ! enough said .. last 90 days went without a blog post. To be fair .. I did not feel like writing anything simply because I was digesting lots of experiences .. getting blown away by collapsing traditional beliefs that had been harbored over years ! Finding myself again in new light with clear understanding of what  I really want .. where I belong and where I want to stay ! This in itself has been a unique fulfilling experience. Meeting people from various fields ... challenging ones own limits and abilities ... accepting new challenges ... venturing into unexplored areas ... passionately following ones dreams ... enjoying smaller things in life ... doing things which I wanted to do all my life ! This has been a heck of trail ! In all these have been some learning experiences .. heartening and humbling experiences that makes me feel lucky and blessed .. simply because I am who I am .. and able to do what I really love !
One such incidence that touched me was when a long time ex-pat expressed his disillusionment first of the west and then of east after returning to homeland with very sincere intentions. His children, born in west, felt out of place here in India while he felt a sincere need to find his roots. The heartening fact (which even I felt in India) was that the roots that he was searching were more of a nostalgic emotional binding which did not require a complete move to the homeland.. a regular extended vacation per year would be suffice. The nostalgia that one feels after leaving ones homeland for an extended period of time is of transience .. a complete move to homeland is not warranted for such emotional needs !  These thoughts might be out of disappointment or disillusionment after experiencing the ground realities of political , social , cultural condition of changing India. I however have grown over that hump now !
 An immigrant always has to tackle such kind of trade-off ! The real ache is when one finds oneself as an immigrant in ones own homeland. Most returning ex-pats have gone  through such phases of disappointments and disillusionment ..  so have I.  These days have however taught me to be patient and assertive. A tinge of aggressiveness is essential for surviving in this vast population of India. One needs to be very selective too .. humble only to selective people ! These lessons can be learnt well from a small kitten as it grows up to be a beautiful and strong cat ! At least I have learnt these lessons from my dear pet cat !
Rounding it off to end this emotional , philosophical pondering for the first blog post of 2013 ...90 days late .. I am looking forward  to enjoying my second summer in Pune with IPL / NBA playoffs and the gastronomical summer treats ! Till next blog post .. adios !