Monday 13 August 2012

The Olympic Festival - Enchanting !

" Every one who participated is a winner .. some of us were awarded medals too.. "   this reaction sums up the true spirit of Olympics.
The youth , their spirit , their contagious enthusiasm... injects a kind of hope and energy into every one watching. Over 200 countries represented in the Olympic movement , London 2012 was extremely well organized. Kudos to the organizers. I was mesmerized by the organization, the athletes and all the enormity of the scale. Things went almost error free. My salute to all and the unsung heroes.
Last 14 days, I made it a point to watch each and every sport every day .. some live and others recorded. To start with , to many of these sports , I simply had no clue of rules ! However within 10-15 mins of watching these, I was engrossed in the sport.. by the end ....I was through with the rules and the tricks of these sports. The enthusiasm of athletes and their interviews have taught me more than anything I have learnt in many classes ! 
I have watched each and every stream from the Olympic channel     from July 27th  to Aug 12th . This has been one of the best parties I have enjoyed. The interviews of athletes after their winning a medal was some thing I enjoyed the most. Their joy , their tears , their words  coming out of their open hearts were genuine. True to the spirit of Olympics. Some athletes have worked for it all their life and will cherish that moment for rest of their lives.. I was a spectator and witness to their glorious moments ! That makes me proud.
Thank you London ! you were memorable.
The closing ceremony was fantastic and now we eagerly wait for the Rio 2016 , Brazil. My preparation for those games has already started !... by learning Spanish !   Bienvenidos !   :)